Monday, October 29, 2012

chestnut icecream with redwine plums

I created this recipe as a dessert for a cooking evening with friends. This follow-up recipe for roasted chestnuts was intented to contain typical flavours of fall. I wanted to make a dessert with both cold & creamy and hot & fruity components. I had never heard of an icecream with chestnut before, but I was excited to give it a try. We were all suprised of its delicious taste together with the hot plums and the creamy redwine. You need an icecream maker for the chestnut iceream. However, you can just serve it as a cold cream - the combination is delicious anyway.

Here's my shopping list for about 3-6 desserts depending on how hungry you are :)

  • a handful of chestnuts
  • 3 greek yogurts 
  • juice of a half grapefruit or other citrus fruit
  • some milk
  • cinnamon
  • cardamom
  • 2 small bags of vanilla sugar
  • 500 g plums
  • 300 ml redwine
  • 1 small bag of vanilla sugar

And here are the steps for preparation:

Roast and peel the chestnuts, let cool down. Put them in a mixer and smash until creamy and some are still crunchy. Add the yogurt and season with spices. Stir some milk to make it more creamy. Citrus juice will help to round up the flavour by its acidity. Now you can either just put it in the fridge or process it with an icecream maker.

For the redwine plums: cut the plums in halves, remove their cores and put them in a baking tray. Season with vanilla sugar and pour redwine over. Bake them in the oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes. Switch off the oven and just leave it there until you serve it.

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